I remember hanging out with Shield Head once at the coliseum before a Raiders game. Cool guy who's truly passionate about our Raiders. He talks the talk and walks the walk as a Raiders fan, win lose or tie........
So when I came across this pic of him I first thought, way to go Shield Head, getting yourself in a bud-light commercial. Then I noticed something about the pic that seemed unreal and a bit off keel. Hmmmm, I say, is that a "real" baby strapped to Shield Head's chest? In A Bar?
No, it can't be. Don't tell me that the economic downturn is hitting fans so hard that even baby sitter fees are unpayable. For Shield Head to be playing Mr. Mom at a sports bar with his toddler, or lord forbid, someone else's toddler, tells me that the days of being a true fan could be numbered due to tight pockets.
Shield Head, I salute you as one of the truly ingenious fans who won't let anything stop you from seeing your beloved Oakland Raiders. As for little shield head, don't worry kiddo, you won't always have to be the designated driver.