Come'on Man
Well if you haven't heard all the media hype over Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow lately, then you must've been stranded on an island without a signal.
Tebow has become the biggest thing since motorized carriages. Dare say some are crediting his on-field exploits to "divine intervention." Tebow is a devout Christian who wears his faith on his jersey sleeves. Others in sports have done it, but none with such a miraculous record against overwhelming odds and criticism.
To think that his current six game winning streak began in Oaktown against my beloved Raiders almost makes me wonder if the almighty is in on the legendary league conspiracy against the silver and black. I was there to see Tebow bring his team back in Oakland this season with his legs and sheer will to win. I saw him run a 40+ yard tackle breaking touchdown against the Raiders in 2010, his first start. It's enough to bring tears of joy or jealousy to a fans eyes.
Whatever analysts attribute to Tim Tebow's NFL success, the word immaculate might not be far off the mark. Love'em or hate'em, he's got a genuine humbleness that's as cuddly as christmas. My Raiders need help to get to the playoffs and Tebow stands in our way to a division championship.
If the Denver Broncos beat Tom Brady and the Patriots this weekend, Raiders division crown aspirations will be shattered, Tebow will be crowned a deity in football, or at least in the Rocky Mountains of Denver and Tebowmania will overwhelm the sports world and Christendom.
For what it's worth just remember, the messiah began his journey in Oakland. Lord, we didn't commit any personal fouls or blasphemy against your divine messiah while visiting our house, if you find it in your all-loving heart to bless us with a playoff seed we'll praise the off-field words and ways of the one you've sent. Amen!