Fake ad: Oil companies should clean up their messes.
Ecuadoran appeals court has upheld last year's 9.5 billion dollar judgment against Chevron Corporation. The oil giant's messy oil contamination in the Ecuador rain forest just might eventually get a decent cleanup effort. But don't celebrate just yet, slick money stills talks while the health concerns continue to walk.
San Francisco Chronicle excerpts:
Last year, the company persuaded a U.S. federal judge to issue an order blocking the plaintiffs from enforcing the verdict in the 18-year lawsuit, closely watched around the world for the precedent it could set. But the lawyers suing Chevron questioned the judge's authority to prevent enforcement outside the United States, and an appeals court lifted his order.
So when will the world courts say to this corporate monster, BASTA! Enough is enough. Stop using the international courts as your personal get out of jail free card and own up to "your" mess.
Unfortunately, as long as those who pass legal judgments can be influenced ($$$), justice will be cleanly compromised.
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