The Boxing event of the year turned out to be little more than a good sparring match. Floyd Mayweather dominated ten of the twelve rounds and came away with a convincing unanimous decision over Sugar Shane Mosley.
The fight wasn't a complete waste of of time. In the first two rounds Sugar Shane fought on all cylinders displaying quickness and power that gave appearances of overtaking Mayweather. With a solid punch in the second round Sugar Shane rocked Mayweather as the Pretty Boy's legs slightly buckled on impact. That punch and round was the end of the feeling out phase along with any chance of a Mosley win.
From the third round on it was all Floyd Mayweather with Mosley giving a few sparks of courage but no real offensive threat at all. If anything you were left wondering why Mayweather didn't finish off Mosley after the third round.
Seeing Mosley sitting on his stool between rounds told the story of the night; Shane got the Sugar beaten out of him by a younger, faster and possibly stronger fighter. Maybe Shane was tight, maybe as he stated in the post-fight interview that he mistakenly got caught up in looking for a knockout punch after rocking Floyd in the second round. Or maybe the fix was in and we got exactly what Mugsey and the boys cooked up for us.
Out of all the possibilities behind the ineffectiveness of Shane Mosley after the second round last night, only one can wear the hat of truth. The truth is that Floyd Mayweather out boxed Shane Mosley and showed he's one of today's best fighters. Mayweather didn't dance and run like many, myself included, thought he would. Floyd "Money" Mayweather is a Champion Fighter.