Yesterday a Philadelphia Phillies fan ran out onto the field during play and was "Tasered" by security. It is said the 17-year old victim called his dad to tell him of his hair brained scheme to storm the field. The quotes I've heard of the dad's advice to his son weren't very fatherly. In fact, it didn't sound as if the father was completely against his son doing the deed.
Maybe the Dad figured his son could learn a lesson from being tased better than any he could give his bonehead son. In either event, the tasing was brutally effective and the bonehead made the news, first running, then flopping, and finally being escorted off the playing field.
Lucky for bonehead the security guard who did the tasing wasn't Johannes Mehserle, the Oakland,Ca. Bart police officer who claims he mistakenly pulled out his revolver instead of his taser and shot unarmed victim Oscar Grant in the back while in custody. Mr. Grant is "Dead."