OK, here's some red meat for the masses. Barry Bonds, the all-time home run champ, was among several former San Francisco Giants participating in the first-pitch ceremony before Game 3 of the NLCS.
NLCS Game 3
Giants 3 Phillies 0
The San Francisco Giants now lead the series 2-1 with two more games to be played at AT&T Park. This playoff ride is more fun than I can remember the 2002 Giants playoff ever being.
In 2002 we expected to win with Barry blasting balls out of the ballpark. Here in 2010 we're praying to win and our prayers are being answered in miraculous ways over and over. What better way to heal from seven seasons of playoff drought and a slugging hero who's still facing grand jury charges?
The San Francisco Giants have restored the spiritual faith of Bay Area baseball fans!
NLCS Game 3
Giants 3 Phillies 0
The San Francisco Giants now lead the series 2-1 with two more games to be played at AT&T Park. This playoff ride is more fun than I can remember the 2002 Giants playoff ever being.
In 2002 we expected to win with Barry blasting balls out of the ballpark. Here in 2010 we're praying to win and our prayers are being answered in miraculous ways over and over. What better way to heal from seven seasons of playoff drought and a slugging hero who's still facing grand jury charges?
The San Francisco Giants have restored the spiritual faith of Bay Area baseball fans!
Giants Magic Number is 6