Not the old Chuckster Jon Gruden, but the Seed of Chucky is named the Oakland Raiders Defensive Coordinator.
Chuck Bresnahan returns to the Raiders after stints with the Cincinnati Bengals and the United Football League's Florida Tuskers. In three seasons his Bengals defenses never ranked higher than 25th in yards allowed, a definite concern. His Tusker teams went to the two UFL championship games, losing both times to the Las Vegas Locos.
From 2000-2003, Seed of Chucky was sprouting under Gruden as Defensive Coordinator of a Raiders team that dominated mostly with an offensive juggernaut comprised of legendary weapons. His last game with the Oakland Raiders was that Super Bowl down I-5 South that we all choose to forget.
So we'll have to wait and see this season if former DC Jon Marshall will be sorely missed or barely a memory in the eyes of fans as Chucky leads the defense into battle.
Welcome Back Chucky!