Move the hell over Butler Bulldogs, the Virgnia Commonwealth Rams are crashing the final four as a #11 seed looking to get the girl, the watch and the gold ring.
VCU stunned #1 seed Kansas Jayhawks with a barrage of three pointers, outstanding guard play and hustle defense in what may go down as the BIGGEST UPSET in NCAA Tournament history.
They'll go to the semifinals in Houston,Tx. to face the #8 seed Bulldogs of Butler, who've also made believers of many doubters, to see who's fairy godfather brewed the better potion.
Here's the incredible part about VCU; with the tournament expanding to 68 teams, VCU played an additional game, one they weren't expected to win.
I don't know about you, but I'm clearing my calendar for April 2nd, 6:09PM ET. That's when two cindefellas will tip-off to see which stays on the ballroom dance floor and which must leave the ball immediately and stumble home in one sneaker, a brokendown ride and ugly stepbrothers waiting to torment them about their loss.
The Madness of March can be so rewarding, and yet so cruel.