This week has seen a number of celebrities and public figures pass away. Usually I try posting a tribute for those who've touched my life in some small way.
The passing of Soul Train's Don Cornelius was one such celebrity. I could write a book about how he helped shape my life and the community I grew up in. Here I can only wish Don's soul love and peace. Rest well my brotha.
Though the man pictured above, towel over his left shoulder, celebrating with the greatest boxer of all time, didn't touch lives in a direct way, through Ali and other champions he indirectly touched the lives of millions.
His guidance in teaching the "sweet science" of boxing has given us legendary sports figures we may never have had without his tutelage.
Angelo Dundee, said to be the nicest guy in the dirtiest game, deserves to be called a legend in the sport of boxing. The ring bell will toll 10 times before this weekends' championship bouts, in respect and tribute to Mr. Dundee.
Angelo Dundee
August 30, 1921 – February 1, 2012