Don't like watching pretty boy Tom Brady playing in another Super Bowl? Can't stand to see any New York sports team playing for a championship? Well fellow sports fans, obviously you're not alone.
It seems that some fairy godfather has been working overtime this football season to bring us not one but two Bowl Championship games come Super Sunday. Think that's a treat, wait until you see the two teams competing in the first game of the day.
At 4pm eastern standard time the football world will be thrown into ecstasy as two babe teams clad in lingerie will go head to head in the ninth Lingerie Bowl in Las Vegas. If you've never seen footage of an LFL game I suggest you take a peek, if for no other reason than to pick out some sexy lingerie for your woman.
Come Sunday there will be two Super Bowls, but only one will showcase penalty flags for uniform malfunctions. The Lingerie Football League; where flags are a fans friend.