I just love stories that impress upon the reader a vicious, unprovoked attack by an animal. Remember the New Year's day tiger attack on three teenager's at San Francisco zoo a few years ago? The victims blamed the tiger and the low wall that allowed him to jump out and prey on them. It was bystanders who reported the boy's taunting of the animal.
Today's newspaper reports yet another attack at a zoo. The report goes as follows:
BEAR BITE: A bear bit two fingers off a woman's hand at a zoo in Manitowoc, Wis., after she ignored barriers and warnings about feeding the animal. The 47-year-old put her hand through the enclosure's fence on Friday. A mayor's office statement said alcohol played a factor.
This short news item should have began with the fact that alcohol played a factor. Mentioning alcohol first when reporting an incident like this rules out the fact that the Bear did anything other than act its natural self. Unless of course there were empty bottles of hennesy cognac found inside the bear's lair, the bear should not be made to seem the culprit in this drama. So what if he was found wearing a Raiders hat, that doesn't make him one with the criminal element in the zoo does it?
After googling the incident I found that some reports didn't include the mayor's office statement about alcohol. It appears the bear will have to "bare" the brunt of intense investigations into its actions and is thus guilty until evidence proves otherwise. If it is determined that the bear be euthanize then at least allow it to go out with a shot of hennessy XO. But do use a long straw, Raider fans have a history of violently protesting bad calls by poor officiating.
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