Did you know that San Francisco Giants third baseman Pablo "Kung Fu Panda" Sandoval is ambidextrous and can throw with his gloved hand? Glove off of course. Well, that's what an article in the San Francisco Chronicle today highlighted when talking about how the Panda legend was born.
I'm not sure how throwing with the hand reserved for catching ties into the nickname Panda, maybe Pandas are ambidextrous too. But Pablo is definitely turning out to be a throwing, catching and hitting legend in the making. He brings so much to the Giants team and I don't mean in calorie pounds. Just look at that big puffy panda smile on him after making a play, or after a teammate makes a play, and you gotta love his spirit. If former Giants slugger Barry Bonds was the antihero of team unity then Pablo is definitely the hero.
Here's a link to the Chronicle article by staff writer Henry Schulman, who did a hell of a job on the story. Thanks for reminding us of "Sidd Finch" Henry, especially with April just around the corner. Pablo is one amazing Panda and we Giants fans are so lucky to have him.
"In small-town Oregon, the Panda legend was born"