Today's interview with Oakland Raiders Quarterback Bruce Gradkowski was a thing of beauty. KNBR's Tom Tolbert and Ralph Barbieri actually surprised me with their relevant football questions. You know how they get on KNBR, the Forty-Whiners flagship station; anything Raiders is usually a license to criticize and find fault about. But not today sports fans.
Tom and Ralph were forced to talk Raiders football with Bruce instead of rumor mongering journalism, though they did take their shots. Bruce showed his maneuvering ability while standing tall in the interview pocket. He saw the "gotcha" questions targeted at him from a mile away. And like on the field he nimbly sidestepped the rush and answered questions without getting sacked.
Bruce is a gamer. Though set up to do so in the interview, he didn't throw teammate Jamarcus Russell under the bus. You could hear Ralph and Tom's mouths watering after questions about Jamarcus's work ethic compared to Bruce's. Bruce intelligently rebutted the questions by highlighting his own abilities. Who can argue with Bruce when he says "the best man should get the job in any field of work."
With humbleness and appreciation for the opportunity, Bruce attributed his Raiders success to his family instilled values and work ethic. Again, Ralph tried sacking him with comparisons to Jamarcus's so called work ethic or lack thereof. And again, Bruce Almighty showed awareness and agility in the pocket when saying he could only answer for how he prepares for and approaches a game.
Once Tom and Ralph accepted that they weren't going to sucker Bruce into giving any controversial answers, their questioning took on a pleasant and informative atmosphere. They spoke of the 2nd round tender put on Bruce by the Raiders, head coach Tom Cable (after asking earlier about the jaw breaking incident), the Pittsburgh win and comparison's of Bruce to other great quarterbacks out of western Pennsylvania (Marino, Namath, Montana, Unitas).
Bruce said the the Oakland Raiders have shown that they can play with anybody. He feels they're a good team that needs consistency in playing well week-to-week.
After hearing this interview I was tempted to call into KNBR and thank Tom and Ralph for finally allowing a Raider to shine on their show. But then I realized it wasn't Tom and Ralph who were deserving of the credit, it was Bruce Almighty himself. Leaders don't need others to co-sign their leadership, it shows in their presence. They make others around them better, and I truly believe that Bruce's integrity and down home honesty made the Razor and Mr. T team sound better while backpedaling into cover two zone defense.
Bottom line, Bruce represented the Raider Nation with Pride and Poise. He never hesitated or fumbled in his delivery nor did he back away from the challenge. We need Bruce. And I'm hoping Al Davis listens to that interview a few times so he'll realize just what the Raiders have in QB Bruce Gradkowski.
They say you can tell the character of a man by his actions under pressure; Bruce has shown on the field and off not only that he sees the pressure coming, but that he welcomes the challenge it poses to him as a man. If that ain't enough for Al Davis to sign Bruce NOW, then Al has truly lost his ability to evaluate not only football talent but human character. And he also may have lost his ability to retain loyal season ticket holders like myself. Your move Al, Your Move!