The Song Of Bernadette by Franz Werfel
published 1942
575 pages
April 11, 2010
Sunday 5:27pm
I've just completed the reading of Franz Werfel's "The Song of Bernadette" and its left me glowing with grace.
This epic story, based on actual events, is a challenging yet engrossing read from beginning to end. I enjoyed living with the graceful innocence of the blessed Bernadette Soubirous. So much of her life was a blueprint for us mere mortal sinners on how to live in appreciation of our gift of life.
The author, Franz Werfel, shows us how a wordsmith can enchant readers with a story that captures the imagination and teaches as it preaches.
I will not soon forget "The Song of Bernadette," simply because a talented word-smith's promise to God to write about these immaculate events has stood the test of time.
This being my third book by Franz Werfel, I now understand what attracts me to his classical voice; Franz's style of writing, though a difficult read today due to translation and half a century's old style, speaks directly to man's sense of what is Holy and righteous. It matters not your religion, if you read this story with an open heart to truth, you'll receive its timeless fountain of blessings.
Man and Womankind are truly eternal souls inhabiting earthly bodies with incredibly blinding minds.
A Masterpiece!
Not wealth but poverty is the last refuge of materialism.
Need and want are condemned to overestimate the value of common material things. pg.258