From Milldgeville, Ga. to Oakland, Ca., there's news of a move that could truly rock the balance of the NFL world.
Big Ben Rothlisberger was suspended six games by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell today for violating the league's personal conduct policy.
C'mon Man! She was partying like she was over 21.
Word around the football horn is that the Pittsburgh Steelers might be looking to deal the two-time Superbowl winning quarterback for a draft pick. And guess what team name came up in the hunt for a Big Ben trade? O A K L A N D - R A I D E R S!
If Al Davis somehow, some way, pulls this one off and has Big Ben in Silver & Black in 2010, I'll commit to buying season tickets for the next three years.
And if Ben wants to continue partying like a RockStar, I'll personally see that he get's the hookup with some of the Bay's finest, freakiest, no-holds-barred babes this side of Jersey. I'm In The Bay Trick!
They may not luv yah anymore over there in Steel town Big, but we'll luv yah.....Win, Lose or Tie we'll be by your side! So why not come'on over Ben, to the Dark Side!