Wow! Another boxer gone too soon. Edwin Valero of Venezuela, WBC Lightweight Champion who recently defended his title in February, was found hanging in his jail cell. He'd been arrested for the murder of his wife over the weekend. Its been suspected in the past that his wife, Yennifer Carolina Vieral de Valero, suffered from domestic abuse.
This is unquestionably the sad arrival point that too many victims and perpetrators of domestic violence find themselves. Men get help! women seek shelter!
I remember watching Valero's last fight and realizing that he was one of those boxer's who just won't stop coming forward, regardless of the punishment he's taking. He had a toughness that bordered on psychotic, and the wild-man hair and tattoos didn't help. They say crazy strength is the worst kind. Its like going up against a terminator. Remember this line from the movie?
"It can't be bargained with, It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel remorse, or pity, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop - EVER - until you are dead."
They could of easily been describing the boxing technique of Edwin Valero.
Unfortunately, where there's smoke there's fire and Valero's style of boxing mirrored his lifestyle. Its always sad to hear of anyone taking their life or the life of another. I pray that this young 27 year old boxing champion has finally found the peace that he wasn't able to find in life. And I pray for the wife who loved this madman so!

WBC Lightweight Champion
27 Wins
0 Losses
27 Knockouts