Its been no secret that advertisers and promoters of various products are feeding the gullible public an unhealthy image of itself. The scary part is that the public masses are so mesmerized by what their told the image represents that they find it overwhelmingly beautiful. Just look at the face and wrapping, pay no attention to what's behind the curtain.
The women who are used in this trick to mask and distort the judgment of the public's sense of beauty and health are nothing more than mere victims brainwashed into believing the hype. The real perpetrators of this sick trickiness are ill men of power and influence who dictate what's acceptable and what's not in our social society today. And they have the influence of money to see it through.
Don't get me wrong, all of us carry some blame for allowing ourselves to be so brainwashed by unhealthy images being fed to us daily through various broadcasting mediums. But at some point we as human beings must break away from the life controlling mediums of today and re-think what's right from what's wrong. We must break the chains that bind us to the perverted images of ourselves. The chain is the hype.
America is a consumer society that is fed the products of profit seeking organizations who have little concern for the well-being, both medical and mental, of its customers. Their first priority is money and profit. Their only concern is the well being of the organization. They'll use just about any means necessary to accomplish their goal, consumer addiction. Consumer Addiction insures that the returning customer is hooked on a product enough to keep them coming back for more. This allow the organization to turn their attention to fishing for new customers and developing new products.
If a baby smoking a cigarette can bring one of these profit seeking organizations more money, they'd find a way to "Market" that image to you and make it acceptable. Social Scientist have helped such organizations map exactly how human beings are wired and what methods of influence best work on us. Oh yeah, these organizations have done their homework, having practiced on a global pool of consumers for years.
Hey, did you see the cigarette smoking baby from Indonesia who smokes two packs a day? I was floored by it. I refused to post anything about the hot topic a few weeks ago just because of my mixed feelings about it being so funny and yet so sad. I wonder if any of these organizations have signed the baby's family to a contract yet?
As for the anorexic image that modern women and men throughout the world are being force-fed, we as a society need to fight the projections of such images by getting informed and educated about the issue. Then once armed with the information, share it.