Retired Los Angeles police Capt. Greg Meyer in defending former Bart policeman Johannes Mehserle, on trial for the on-duty murder of Oscar Grant, made a very telling and revealing statement during testimony.
The former captain, now a "use-of-force" expert being paid in the neighborhood of $44,000.00 to testify for Mehserle's defense, claimed to have studied the 1991 Rodney King case where policemen were caught on tape beating King unmercifully.
Yesterday, while on the stand and under oath answering questions from prosecutor David Stein, use-of-force expert Meyer was prompted to say that officers who beat Rodney King in 1991 did not use excessive force.
Is this so-called expert trying to set-off another Los Angeles riot or what? Now I know the true reason why the defense succeeded in getting this trial moved from Alameda County to Los Angeles; in L.A. it seems you can pay anyone, especially so-called experts, to say anything on a stack of bibles and the citizenship will believe and swallow every morsel.
-$44,000.00 paid to a former police captain to testify in defense of a policeman charged with murder by use of excessive force.
-$44,000.00 paid to a man who believes there is no use of excessive force in this video from 1991 and that the actions of the police officers were justified.
-$44,000.00 paid to Mr. Greg Meyer to help the cause of defendant Johannes Mehserle who is on trial for shooting to death an unarmed and subdued man.
-$44,000 paid to convince jurors and the public once again to suspend belief of what their own eyes see on video
Ladies and Gentleman, please take the time to painfully view the Rodney King beating as recorded by a passerby-er and tell me what part of the tape is "Not" excessive force? Then ask yourself if you truly think this policeman will be found guilty of any wrongdoing in a Los Angeles court of law.
Sometimes the inconvenient truth about these United States of America is scary to the core! Cops Gone Wild.
Odd that I found an on-line article about the Rodney King incident written by the same former captain Meyer in 1994. In this article, Mr. Meyer seems to lean more towards excessive force when commenting on the Rodney King Beating:
In short, Mr. King was something more than what the media calls "a motorist." Still, he should never have been subjected to the tactics we see on the video.
After Rodney King: What Have We Learned? by Greg Meyer