Speaking of "Noise," an ex-Raider who'd broken hearts, hopes and promises of Raiders fans the past two seasons showed up at the Oakland Arena last night giving Raider fans in attendance a chance to pelt him one last time with their boos and disapproval.

The event was the Andre Ward WBA super middleweight fight which Ward won handily against challenger Allan Green. The ex-Raider who's late arrival caused Boos to rain down from the Black Hole of the Arena was guess who?...............Jamarcus Russell.
The nerve of him to show up in town, as if he's a former local hero returning for a final standing ovation, after robbing our silver & black franchise of millions of dollars while making a mockery of the Raiders quarterback position. Why if this were the old wild wild west there would of been shouts of "get a rope" mixed in with the booing catcalls.
Old frontier justice was quick and deadly back in those days and sent a strong message of warning to all horse thieves, cattle rustlers, bank robbers and bandits; the message? Violators will be dealt with, Severely!
Lets hope we'll see no more players the likes of Jamarcus Russell in a Raiders uniform ever again.
The Nerve!